“ The plot of ground on which he pitched his tent he (Jacob) bought for a hundred pieces of bullion …He set up a memorial stone there and invoked ‘El, the God of Israel’.”
Scripture shows us that many times significant events and places were marked with a pile of stones, or cairns. We have such a place, at Hoechoka. And we are sitting around, right here. You probably noticed that there are no stones any longer. Well, they had to be moved because some children, being young and foolish walked along the top of the coral rocks singing and playing. Being young and foolish, and having their little minds on singing, one of them slipped from the top of the 6inch circle or coral rock and skinned his shins. Took all of one band-aid to close the wound.
Well that ended the rock circle. Parents being what they are to protect their kids the call went out to remove the rock circle. So it was. And a cement circle replaced it. Don't suppose you noticed that the cement circle is really the cut off end of a sewer pipe? Yep, thought you were pretty smart. Where'd we get the sewer pipe? That's another story for another day.
Tell us more about how the ground was purchsed
And the pastor asked, “Is this good ground? Can we make our parish home on this land.” And those gathered answered , “yes.” And they marked the place with a mound of stones. And today, it is known as the firepit. It is Hoechoka, the center of the camp, Mary Help of Christians, Archdiocese of Miami.
And that's the way it was and is. As the Archdiocese bought two more parcels of land to add to the first they were all consolidated into a single plat and it is called Hoechoka Hammock.